the collective
New Orleans Trauma Informed Collective (NOTIC) is an idea to be co-created among participants who believe in our mission, vision, and values. While this is a fledgling project, Well hopes to create a wide, multi-disciplinary network of providers and healers in the greater New Orleans area committed to supporting ourselves and seeing people and communities as inherently having dignity and the capacity to grow through adversity.
Please email for more information and to be included in our ongoing communications.
New Orleans Trauma Informed Collective presents:
The Healing Salon - a monthly gathering of those invested in a trauma-informed New Orleans where we care for each other so we can care for others | August 19, 2022
4:30-5:00 - Happy Hour visiting
5:00-5:30 - Kellie Solliday, LMSW will present on Equine-Assisted Therapy
5:30 - breakout into Salon services (participants to be announced)
6:15 - 7:30 - Potluck dinner and support circle