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  mission + vision

To empower people toward growth and self actualization by guiding them beyond their collective, generational, and personal trauma using collaborative care and community building. 

To provide a platform for healing individuals, communities, societies, and a world where trauma is understood and collectively integrated through education, therapy, reframing relationships and rebuilding ourselves and our systems. 


do well, feel well, live well

we are all parts of a whole, and we do better, feel better, and live better when we work together

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Equity, diversity, and inclusion are foundational to our work at

Well Psychotherapy. We cannot function apart from the systems we are embedded in, and we actively work to create safe and transparent spaces of change on individual and community levels. We respect each person’s dignity and integrity, while simultaneously challenging systemic barriers, tensions, and inequities built into the world we are a part of. We recognize our privilege and power as an organization, and believe that we can only live well if we are committed to doing well and feeling well. 

+ We aim to do well supporting individuals by providing best-practice direct services to enhance feeling well: individual, group, and relationship psychotherapy, education, group experiences, and other healing arts. In an effort to directly support marginalized communities, as well as those uninsured and/or undersinsured, in feeling well. Well Psychotherapy works to ensure an adequate allotment of sliding scale and/or pro-bono therapy spaces for those in need. All clients will be treated with dignity, compassion, and respect as an individual—gender identity will be respected, and you will be referred to by your name and pronouns.

+ We aim to do well supporting our community by providing safe spaces to feel well: to connect and collaborate, to educate and learn how to challenge oppressive practices, and to elevate future change-makers through informal dialogues and formal supervision and training.

+ We aim to do well supporting social justice by speaking out against unfair practices, staying engaged in community efforts to dismantle systems of marginalization, and deferring to voices that are underrepresented. We are actively seeking to partner with community members and organizations to this end. 

we are only living well when we are caring for, and growing with, eachother

As such, any unproductive expressions of hate, intolerance, or similar towards staff or other clients will be worked through therapeutically. If not open to doing so, Well Psychotherapy reserves the right to refer elsewhere for services.

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